Our Events

From workshops to special gatherings, we offer a range of activities for you to enjoy

We host regular sessions, and you can find out what’s coming up by checking the information below. We can’t wait to welcome you!


Date: Once a Month on Wednesday
Time: from 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm

We meet once a month to enjoy mind-expanding conversations in a safe space with like-minded people. Come to ConsciousCafe to meet others and make friends.

How to book:

Visit https://consciouscafe.org/group/canterbury/

Finding Inspiration! A Consciouscafe event

Date: Wednesday February 26th
Time: from 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm


“The mind requires daily inspiration. The conception behind “inspiration” is “something breathed in from above” not from the physical sky but infused transcendentally into a man’s mind: something good, beautiful and true, giving guidance to each individual in his walk of life.Hari Prasad Shastra.

Have you ever longed for inspiration in life? Have you found that it can arrive in the most unexpected way? It can be something a friend says or you read in a book or see in a film. Perhaps we need to open ourselves more to these moments!

We’ll share some reflection and meditation and discuss what inspiration means to us. Cora will share some books that have inspired her along the way.

For this session I invite you to come along and share a poem, a quote, a book or a story that has inspired you in some way. If you don’t have something that has inspired you come along anyway and perhaps we can find something for you!


Cost: £5.00
How to book:

To reserve a place go to https://app.classfit.com/class/1929294 

You can pay when you arrive. Come at 5.30 for tea and cake.

Cost is £5.00.

Or Contact Cora Kemball-Cook by email: corakc@hotmail.com or phone: 07711 830275.

Gentle Yoga and Yoga Nidra

Date: Monday December 16th
Time: from 7:00 pm- 8:30 pm

With Katherine Winter

Description of class:

This is a floor-based, gentle, and restorative class suitable for all skill levels. For the first half, we will gently warm up the joints and then practice a slow flowing sequence of soft and revitalising poses. For the second half, we will lie down, with optional bolsters/blankets, for a Guided Meditation (Yoga Nidra). This is a type of meditation where participants experience a relaxed state in between sleep and awareness, in order to fully relax the body and mind. Yoga Nidra has many benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, and helping to promote better and deeper sleep.

Katherine’s bio:

Katherine began her yoga journey in 2015 and noticed a profound transformation in her mind and body. She decided to train as a yoga teacher to help others experience the healing effects of yoga and studied at Ayur-Yoga Eco Ashram near Mysore, India, completing her training in 2019 and 2023. She is also a qualified Rainbow Yoga Children’s yoga teacher and a Mental Health First Aider. Katherine is an empathetic and calm teacher whose classes range from Hatha, Vinyasa, and Yin. She encourages people to use yoga techniques to develop a deeper connection with their minds and bodies to grow in flexibility, strength, grace, and confidence both on and off the mat.

Cost: £15.00
How to book:

Paypal: paypal.me/joyogi1 or please contact Katherine Winter (07939 262893) for bank account details if you would prefer to make a transfer.